DSCI10310 Video Story Assignment

Final Video Story

What I decided to create for this project was a time lapse of me working on the signature jeans for my brand. This style of jeans is an essential for the target audience of my brand and their styles. I decided to relate my project to my course topic through my brand, showing me actively distressing denim, which is something I love to do. I got my video concept from the many videos I see on my timeline every day. I decided on this video style because people love to see time lapsed videos of a process from beginning to end, so they don’t have to sit through long, drug out videos that do not get straight to the point. The main research I did to inform my design and idea was the video formatting they use on their videos to achieve the speed and accuracy of the video. I later found out it was time lapse on the iPhone.

My design process was simply figuring out what I could showcase that would resonate with myself and the meaning behind my blog. I finally decided on the process of doing these jeans and I collected elements to create this project by recording me distressing and designing multiple pairs of the signature jeans. I then chose the videos that would go together the best and help me reach my time marks. To construct my project using the Adobe software, I imported my videos into Premiere Pro and arranged them properly in the “editing” tab. When editing, I did not want any effects or to do anything extreme because I wanted my footage to real and raw. I then added the audio in its correct place in the video. I rerecorded the audio for the project to better match up the time frames and let my video be exactly one minute.

DSCI10310 Video Story Assignment

Video Story Draft

What I decided to create for this project was a time lapse of me working on the signature jeans for my brand. These jeans are an essential for the target audience of my brand and their styles. This project relates to my course topic because it focuses on me and my brand development, as well as shows me in acting distressing denim, which is something I love to do. I got my video concept from the many videos I see on my timeline every day. People love to see time lapsed videos of a process from beginning to end, so they don’t have to sit through long, drug out videos that do not get straight to the point. The main research I did to inform my design and idea was the video formatting they use on their videos to achieve the speed and accuracy of the video. I later found out it was time lapse on the iPhone. My design process was simply figuring out what I could showcase that would resonate with myself and the meaning behind my blog. Doing videos of the design process for these jeans stuck out to me the most because it truly is a process. I collected elements to create this project by recording me distressing and designing multiple pairs of the signature jeans. I then chose the videos that would go together the best and help me reach my time marks. To construct my project using the Adobe software, I imported my videos into Premiere Pro and arranged them properly in the “editing” tab. I then added the audio in its correct place in the video. I really on encountered technical challenges when it came to edit my video correctly. For example, I wanted to edit the time by cropping the video, so I had to use the razor blade tool accurately.

DSCI10310 Video Story Assignment



Final Logo

My design inspiration came from brands like Guess and Urban Outfitters because I love how simple and clean their logos are. I have always been inspired by the way you can see the triangle or question mark for Guess and the UO for Urban Outfitters and automatically know it is in representation of those brands. When designing my logo, I kept that in mind, as well as my target customer. Menace Denim is a brand committed to helping customers reduce their carbon footprint as well as waste by upcycling products that are unique and heighten confidence. I wanted my logo design to be a nice black logo to make it seamlessly show on anything customers want customized. I chose a 3D form design to make it pop out more and added a clean “Menace Denim” at the bottom because it is the brand name. Because my logo is black, I wanted it to be a contrast between that and the white background. I chose to interconnect the “m” and “d” because it is a direct representation of Menace Denim and even without the full brand name, the goal is to cause brand recognition for customers simply seeing those letters in that way.  To create this logo, I started by creating a circle with the circle tool. Next, I used the pen tool to create the connected “MD” and played around until I was satisfied with the outcome. I then used the black selection tool to highlight all of my design elements, went to the effects tab, 3D and extrude bevel. Although I was happy with this, I felt like adding the brand name really sealed the deal.
After peer critiques I decided to keep my logo the same only because most of the recommendations involved changing the color from black and that was hard because of the 3-D effect. I really appreciate all of the suggestions given to me; I was just so happy with the design that I didn’t want to have to change it for the sake of color. I’m overall really satisfied with my logo and think it greatly represents a specific component of me, my up and coming brand.

Logo Draft

My design inspiration came from brands like Guess and Urban Outfitters because I love how simple and clean their logos are. I have always been inspired by the way you can see the triangle or question mark for Guess and the UO for Urban Outfitters and automatically know it is in representation of those brands. When designing my logo, I kept that in mind, as well as my target customer. My target customer is both men and women between ages 18-30 who enjoy art, nature and fashion. Although my customer enjoys fashion, they are looking to make more sustainable choices in their purchases to reduce their carbon footprint and that is why they are interested in Menace Denim. Menace Denim is a brand committed to helping customers reduce their carbon footprint as well as waste by upcycling products that are unique and heighten confidence. I wanted my logo design to be a nice black logo to make it seamlessly show on anything customers want customized. I chose a 3D form design to make it pop out more and added a clean “Menace Denim” at the bottom because it is the brand name. Because my logo is black, I wanted it to be a contrast between that and the white background. I chose to interconnect the “m” and “d” because it is a direct representation of Menace Denim and even without the full brand name, the goal is to cause brand recognition for customers simply seeing those letters in that way.  To create this logo, I started by creating a circle with the circle tool. Next, I used the pen tool to create the connected “MD” and played around until I was satisfied with the outcome. I then used the black selection tool to highlight all of my design elements, went to the effects tab, 3D and extrude bevel. Although I was happy with this, I felt like adding the brand name really sealed the deal.
Inspiration links:

Inspiration photos:


Logo Sketch

After practicing and sketching out a logo for my brand Menace Denim, that doesn’t have a logo just yet, I believe I am going to move forward with the fourth sketch in the photo above. I chose this idea because it is simple and clean, nicely representing the brand name without being too complicated. I think once created in Adobe, it will really come to life.
DSCI10310 Tutorials

Illustrator Tutorials

DSCI10310 Graphic Collage Assignment

Final Collage

For my collage I decided to use photos from my first time going to Los Angeles, California last year in June. I chose these three photos specifically because they really were moments that brought me a lot of clarity and peace. The background images are one of me in Beverly Hills and the other was during my flight. The photo in the front was a view from the back of the art building we visited that I loved.

The feeling I got in Beverly Hills was inspiration and clarity on the fact that I officially loved Los Angeles and the warm, crisp air along with the tall, beautiful palm trees. I fell in love with the fabulous, on trend streetstyle of the everyday shoppers as well as the architecture of the stores because although some were rather minimalistic, they all matched the aesthetic of the brand. I chose the photo from my flight because it was my first time flying and I took that at a time when I had finally gotten comfortable and exhaled. I thoroughly enjoyed flying and the scenery that came with it. I felt that I could just sit, think and reflect the entire time. I used the photo that showcased a nice view from the museum because although the sky was rather cloudy and gloomy, I loved the way the trees encompassed the houses on top of the hills and complimented their colors.

In regard to my design concept, I just really wanted to create a feeling of peace and tranquility by blending the most simplistic moments of my trip. I created a mask on the photo of the view and used the gradient tool to blend it with the background photos to really make the viewer feel that they were seamlessly moving with the moments these pictures had been taken. As a Fashion Major I don’t like any white space and that is why I wanted every area covered with photos.

DSCI10310 Graphic Collage Assignment

Photo Collection


Topic Post

Welcommme to allthingsilike! My topic for the semester will be “About Me” so that I can share various aspects of myself and what makes me happy as well as what I’ve done which include, but are not limited to, traveling, food, fashion, music, animals, books and so much more. My goal is to keep my content very versatile and interesting to emphasize all my favorite moments in life, so that readers can learn as much about me and what I like as possible. I plan to provide photos, videos and audio recordings that I gather throughout the course of my time in DSCI10310 this semester.

I came up with the name “allthingsilike” for my blog because I really want to focus on things that make me happy because of how stressful and draining college can be. My personal life can get very hectic making it hard to find the joy in life, so this blog will be an accumulation of everything that lifts my spirits and makes me smile as well as feeds my passion. An example of audio recordings I can capture overtime that make me happy are birds chirping, my friends laughs, rainfall or I would like to interview close friends about what makes them happy, their self-care practices and how they’ve used those things to push through the weight of college.

A rough idea I have for the video project for this course is to create a video of myself distressing denim for a custom order for my business because it is so therapeutic and exhilarating for me. I am self-taught and would love to show others how to do simple distressing projects on their favorite denim for a nice spring look! I have been distressing denim since I was 13 because I was inspired by the group TLC and singer Aaliyah’s styles and decided to add my own twist.  

Here are my inspiration links: