DSCI10310 Graphic Collage Assignment

Final Collage

For my collage I decided to use photos from my first time going to Los Angeles, California last year in June. I chose these three photos specifically because they really were moments that brought me a lot of clarity and peace. The background images are one of me in Beverly Hills and the other was during my flight. The photo in the front was a view from the back of the art building we visited that I loved.

The feeling I got in Beverly Hills was inspiration and clarity on the fact that I officially loved Los Angeles and the warm, crisp air along with the tall, beautiful palm trees. I fell in love with the fabulous, on trend streetstyle of the everyday shoppers as well as the architecture of the stores because although some were rather minimalistic, they all matched the aesthetic of the brand. I chose the photo from my flight because it was my first time flying and I took that at a time when I had finally gotten comfortable and exhaled. I thoroughly enjoyed flying and the scenery that came with it. I felt that I could just sit, think and reflect the entire time. I used the photo that showcased a nice view from the museum because although the sky was rather cloudy and gloomy, I loved the way the trees encompassed the houses on top of the hills and complimented their colors.

In regard to my design concept, I just really wanted to create a feeling of peace and tranquility by blending the most simplistic moments of my trip. I created a mask on the photo of the view and used the gradient tool to blend it with the background photos to really make the viewer feel that they were seamlessly moving with the moments these pictures had been taken. As a Fashion Major I don’t like any white space and that is why I wanted every area covered with photos.

DSCI10310 Graphic Collage Assignment

Photo Collection